
Friday, September 13, 2013

28mm Reconquista - Mercenaries

Two more units move into the growing "completed" category for the Reconquista project.  Both additions are of the mercenary type.

With no heavy cavalry on offer for the Moors, the hard charging (and hitting) impetuous faction will be represented by Christian mercenary cavalry.  I mounted the heavy cavalry (CP in Impetvs lingo) five horsemen per stand.  The figures are BTD and I plan to get a few handfuls more at the next BTD sale. 

Joining the heavy horse on the migration from the lead pile to the completion box are twelve spearmen to be fielded as mercenary heavy foot.

With these two units, my project total rises to 24 stands.  That totals to 146 foot and 29 horse in two months.  Not bad output for two months' work!  The project is light on cavalry which will be addressed in the future.  In the meantime, Jake and I are juggling schedules to find time for our initial Imptevs clash.  Will we use Impetvs or Basic Impetvs for the first game?  I think keeping it simple with the Basic version is prudent and we can build up as we become familiar with the system.


  1. Really nice, clean troops Jonathan.

  2. Love your mercenaries! They both look perfectly the part. And that's a prodigious amount of painting in 60 days!

    1. Thanks, Monty! Time flies and production mounts when you're having fun. Contributing to output may be due to the excitement of starting a new period. Do you experience the same tendencies?

    2. Absolutely. If I'm fired up, its easy to lock onto a project to the exclusion of other things. Hmm, that almost sounds like I need help! It's not as bad as it sounds. ;-)

  3. Agree with Monty, this army is going to be amazing, and...may I repeat myself, the basing is really nice!

    1. Thanks, Phil! It is closing in on time to take a group photo of the project, thus far. I, too, may be amazed at how quickly this project has come together when I see it all in one photo.

  4. You really need to do a "this is how I churn out masses of 28mm figures" tutorial. I'm a little flabbergasted over here.


    1. That's an interesting idea. I don't usually get much painting time in any one session so it might be an interesting exercise to actually log how long it takes to finish one of these units.
