
Saturday, August 24, 2013

28mm Reconquista - More Mercenary Infantry

A second stand of heavy foot passes off the painting desk.  Armed with spears, this motley collection will muster out as either mercenary or city foot.  Figures are all BTD and all are very fine sculpts.

The project is closing in on a 300 point Impetvs army which is the minimum suggested force size.  With that goal within reach, it is time to consider embellishing the stands with banners and, perhaps, a little ground cover.  Although a minimalist when considering the philosophy of basing, I picked up a package of Silflor tufts.  These little tufts of vegetation will be sprinkled sparsely around the base to better suggest the arid flora of southern Spain.    

Anyway, next on the workbench are several stands worth of skirmishers with javelin.


  1. I do like great I will follow your work, minis are beautiful, and I'm sure banners and personnal basing will make unique and amazing units!!

    1. Thanks, Phil. I need to find some suitable flag examples from which to make the banners.

  2. You are really knocking these out! I'm amazed at how consistently, and quickly, you turn out quality figs.


    1. Thanks! I seem to be in a bit of an arms race with my opponent who is fielding the Spanish.

  3. You two are on a tear! I wish I had the Extra Impetus book for this force to follow along more closely.
