
Friday, August 30, 2013

28mm Reconquista - Archers

This may seem like a broken record but another Reconquista unit musters off the painting desk.  Finished is one unit of Moorish 'T' archers.  Figures are Black Tree Design.  In the Reconquista lists for Impetvs, both the Almoravids and Almohads must field one stand of supporting 'T' archers for each stand of heavy foot.  In that fashion, one heavy foot and one 'T' archer stands form into one large unit.  Without having studied the rules closely, I guess that the rear stand of supporting archers would be able to fire indirectly during fire.  The Late Andalusian and Early Nasrid lists have no such requirement.  For fielding Almoravids and Almohads properly, I will need a number of additional 'T' archer units.

As seen in the photos, the archers are the first unit to receive the Silflor tuft treatment.  I like the effect and will update all of the stands with the additional ground cover of tufts.  Thanks to Scott for the tip.  In work on the painting desk is one stand of Moorish heavy foot.  Also in work is the creation of banners for the formed units.


  1. Great work, Jonathan! I really like the mix of archers and some protecting foot. And 13 posts in August? I think that's some kind of record!

    1. Hi Monty! Yes, the Reconquista project, begun in July, has really been my focus for nearing two months.

      I like the mix of archers and protecting foot too!

  2. Another fantastic work, no doubt!

  3. You're really knocking these out.


    1. Yes, I'm knocking them out at a steady clip. Still more to do.
