
Monday, July 1, 2013

28mm Ancients - Aventine Princepes

The last of the Aventine figures rolled off the painting table before the end of the second quarter and will be counted in my 2013 first half recap.  Actually, a few Aventine officers remain to be added to some planned Carthaginian units.  As their Aventine brethren before them (Triarii), these figures are based per Impetvs with fourteen figures on one 120mm x 60mm base.

The Aventine figures are really sculpting gems and given the recent price hike at Renegade, are now quite competitively priced.  That is, the total cost for 24 figures purchased in either the Unit Deal (Aventine) or Regiment (Renegade) stands at:

Aventine 24 figure Unit Deal: BP24.75 + BP7.15 shipping = BP31.90.
Renegade 24 figure Regiment: BP24.00 + BP6.00 shipping = BP30.00.

Price alone should no longer pose a significant factor in choice.  While I like the Renegade figures, Aventine sculpting seems more subtle and well-proportioned but lacks the wide assortment of Carthaginian contingents. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Phil! These Aventine figures are a joy to paint.

  2. Wonderful painting and figures! And thanks for the pricing tip. I would so love to paint 28mm ancients one day and now I know what it'd cost me.

    I agree that good figs bring the best out of a painter. Conversely, poor figures can suck the life out of you. I'm thinking of some OG 15mm that were all flash...sigh.

    1. For my aging eyes, I am really enjoying the diversion into 28s from 15's, 10s. 6's...

  3. Very nice, Jon. I too am enjoying 28mm figures more as my eyes are aging. When can we get a game of Impetus going?

    1. Thanks, Scott. I do not have enough Impetvs based units to field both sides but if you want to press some of your troops into service on sabots then I am game anytime. Perhaps we can check our schedules following the July 4th holiday?
