
Monday, June 10, 2013

Aventine Triarii

The latest addition to the 28mm Ancients Project is one Impetvs-sized stand of Aventine 28mm Triarii.  As a test, I based these on the recommended Impetvs stand size and I quite like the look of an Impetvs-based unit.  On the 120mm x 60mm base, I affixed 14 figures in two ranks.  Given my much recorded affinity towards "one unit = one stand" gaming and no casualty removals, this test piece has pushed me to the precipice of rebasing to Impetvs standards.

The downside is that my basing will no longer be compatible with the locals.  Given my figures have yet to see battle and Scott maintains a huge collection, that weakness could be dismissed.

The next test will be to try this basing scheme with either javelin or pilum armed troops in throwing positions.  Hopefully with the Impetvs basing scheme, the problem I face with weapon overhang and stands not aligning to their neighbor properly will be relieved.


  1. Excellent work, Jonathan! I do love these best of all. They look like the "last, best hope." And I like your painted spears. They painted everything else in the ancient world so why not spears? Black is a great look for them.

    In Impetus, if your opponent has a DBM/DBA/FoG based army, that's ok! You just move and maneuver 4 stands as a single unit. So you can Scott could do an Impetus mashup!

    1. Thanks, Monty! The Aventine figures are a real pleasure to paint and I have been enjoying my recent 28mm ancients foray.

      You are absolutely right about using DBM/DBA/FoG/Impetvs based units together. My original plan was to base as FoG and then treat four FoG stands as one MU. I much prefer the Impetus basing, so I will be doing the reverse.

      First, I must convince Scott to try Impetvs.

    2. Whenever I can find the time . . .

  2. Fantastic looking figures, amazing work on the colors and great basing!

    1. Thanks, Phil! The Aventine are outstanding figures and the shield transfers add much punch to the effect.

  3. Very nice Jonathan, good work.

  4. Art. I can't say anything less or more.
