
Monday, May 13, 2013

28mm Crusader Hoplites

The batch of Crusader hoplites shown in their primed state in my earlier primer/Dull Cote posting, marched off the painting table.  These hoplites are very well sculpted with great detail.  The Crusader figures fit nicely with the Renegade, Aventine, and BTD  figures currently fielded in the collection.  When I bought these figures, no solid plan for their use existed.  Having always been interested in painting Greek hoplites, it would have been nearly impossible to pass up an opportunity to grab several packs when they were on discount.  Clearly, I didn't resist the temptation. 

How will I use these figures?  My plan is to field these fine hoplites as mercenaries for the Punic Wars project.


  1. Very nice! I love those Crusader figures. Did I send those your way?

    1. Thanks, Scott!

      No, these weren't hand-me-down figures. They may have been part of a joint Old Glory order, however.

  2. Great looking crew, Jonathan! I do love a wall of Greek shields and spears. You've got a nice bit of 28mm ancients going. Have you decided on rules for them?

    1. For rules, I still entertain giving Impetus a try. The current basing is a standard 60mm x 30mm for foot so these figures ought to accommodate most rules.

    2. I do think you might like Impetus. The basic set is free but if you like the basic set, it's worth the full rules.

  3. Looking good and Crusader miniatures really are fun to paint as the sculptor makes getting to everything pretty easy.


    1. Exactly right, Christopher! Crusader figures are very easy and enjoyable to paint.
