
Saturday, May 4, 2013

18mm SYW Project Update

Back from a week in San Francisco, I set about finishing up a couple of odds and ends for the SYW project.  The stockpile of Eureka figures is quite low so my choices were limited.

First up are the combined grenadier companies from Hungarian IR#2 (Erzherzog Karl).  The two musketeer battalions mustered out previously.  Usually, I paint both the musketeers and grenadiers for the first battalion and then join the second battalion grenadiers onto one stand with the first when the second battalion figures are completed.  For some unknown reason, I missed painting the grenadiers along with either battalion. 

Next up are 1-1/2 squadrons of hussars from Prussian Hussar Regiment #4. Why 1-1/2 squadrons?  Well, I actually painted 11 figures but lacked one trumpeter.  That missing trumpeter will have to catch up with his squadron after I place a Eureka order.  As I have noted before, the Eureka Prussian and Austrian hussars are rather large and the horse footprint is greater than that of the dragoons and cuirassiers.  As a test, I'm fielding these Russians as Prussians.  Seems that most countries' hussars were very similarly outfitted so this substitution works for me.


  1. Great looking figures, the grenadiers are really nice!

    1. Thanks, Phil! One of these days, I'll pull the whole collection from their boxes and take some photos. I may be shocked to see how many linear feet of figures I have.

  2. Great looking bunch, Jonathan! Nothing says cool like a tall bearskin shako or a jacket thrown jauntily over only one shoulder.
