
Monday, May 27, 2013

15mm Samurai Battles Project and Miscellany

With two weeks away from home in May (one week in San Francisco and one week in Seattle), not much has been accomplished on the painting front.  I did get a chance to get together with Scott and Kevin on the 19th for a Sunday morning of Command and Colors Ancients (boardgame edition) before my latest trip to Seattle.  If my memory is correct, we completed seven games in about four hours.  Great fun to brush up on CCA tactics with a couple of good friends.

I did manage to to push out four command stands for Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles this weekend.  These figures are the last of my Peter Pig inventory.  I need to make another order to field more Ashigaru spear.  Hopefully, Brookhurst Hobbies will offer a sale soon.  I  waited in anticipation of a Memorial sale but no such luck.

Also on the Samurai Battles front is an acquisition of appropriate Honor and Fortune tokens for the game.  My wife was recently in Japan and I requested a couple hundred one yen coins to use as tokens.  She returned with the coins and now I am set for gaming.  Jake, there are enough for you too!  

Memorial Day weekend finds the regional miniature gaming convention, Enfilade!, in Olympia, WA.  I know Kevin, Dylan, and Terry made the trek over to the west side of the state.  Hopefully, they'll return having had an enjoyable weekend of gaming.  Since I spent last week in Seattle for work, I opted to stay at home on this holiday weekend.  Besides, daughter #1 delivered grandchild #2 this past week!

A few items have arrived in the post recently.  First to arrive was a package from 19th Century Miniatures containing a resupply of 15mm figures for the Risorgimento project.  Included in the box were nine bags of figures containing Austrian, Sardinian, and French foot.  With enough painted figures to field the proper forces for the main battle of San Martino, I may turn my attention towards some of the French for Magenta or Solferino.

Next to arrive was a box from Renegade Miniatures.  Taking advantage of Renegade's recent 5-4-4 offer, I picked up five regiments of Carthaginians: four regiments of foot and one of horse.  After paying for shipping from the UK, the 5-4-4 offer ended up equating to free shipping plus BP5 discount.  Not bad for some great miniatures and I just slid in under their recent price hike. 

On the painting table today are enough BTD Oscans to field 2x12 units of medium infantry.  While still enjoying painting 28mm ancients, I have a 16 figure unit of Aventine Triarii that I may slip in after the Oscans muster off the painting table.  In transit, is an order from LBMS for shield transfers for these Aventines and the Renegades shown above.


  1. Very nice looking Samurais, and great project!

  2. Agreed on the samurai. Looking forward to the Risorgimento project.


    1. Phase I of the Risorgimento Project approaches completion. Phase II will be a much steeper mountain of lead to scale.

  3. Good work Jonathan, and so much more to do!

  4. I haven't posted about them yet, but I have 30 100 Yen coins I got from my brother for the project. If only we could split the difference and get the 50 yen coins that have a hole in the middle....

    Also, I am almost finished with the 15mm Casualty markers, we need to find a time to game...

    1. The one yen coins are lightweight, cheap, and small. I think they will work well although I look forward to your solution and seeing your casualty markers.

      Perhaps our June schedules will offer some gaming opportunities? I know you had a number of commitments in May and I ended up traveling for two weeks.
