
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Samurai Battles - One More Unit Finished

One more foot unit for the Samurai Battles project has been launched off the painting table.  This time, a bow  unit with the blue field and two white circle motif on the sashimono.  These Peter Pig figures are quite enjoyable to paint and produce a solid unit, quickly.

In December, my original goal was to paint a unit or two as a small contribution to the Samurai Battles games that Jake has been hosting.  I tend to derive more enjoyment from a game in which I field units "at risk" on the gaming table.  Painting and fielding a couple of units in a game would provide that satisfaction.  However, I found great enjoyment in Samurai Battles and painting the figures so I upped the ante.  

Now, I can field eight units with plans to produce a total of a dozen.  To recap, below are the units completed since December.

Having created both card decks, the next step is to make the specialty dice.  Luckily, the die face symbols are available online.  I should be able to purchase a couple of handfuls of dice and affix the die symbols onto them without much difficulty.


  1. Very nice force, Jon.

    Why two hexes per unit?

    1. Ah, never mind. I reread your post on your test unit.

    2. Thanks, Scott. Are you tempted to paint samurai?

  2. Very nice work. I really like the lokk of your units.


    1. Thanks, Seb! I think the double-hex basing looks good and allows for easy hex-based gaming.

  3. They look great, Jonathan! I'm thinking the only thing harder than painting ancients with shields is painting Samurai where every figure has a standard/flag with a motif. The visual effect is quite stunning. Makes me want to pull up one of Kurosawa's classics!

    1. Thanks, Monty! As you can see, I kept the heraldry very simple. With the next Samurai unit (as opposed to the Ashigaru), I may attempt unique heraldry for each figure.
