
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Empires, Eagles, and Lions: The Rules

I must share a recent acquisition from eBay.  The find?  A copy of the New Jersey Association of Wargamers' Napoleonic rules, Empires, Eagles, and Lions published in 1980.

Having been a long time fan of the now defunct Napoleonic wargaming magazine, Empires, Eagles, and Lions (EEL),  I was quite pleased to see a copy of the rules up on eBay.  I maintain a large collection of EEL and I still enjoy re-reading the issues on a regular basis.  The material contained there-in was often thought provoking as well as entertaining.  Mike Gilbert's artwork frequently graced the pages of the magazine and the group's after-action reports containing Mike's sketches were priceless.  These homegrown rules were frequently the topic of conversation in EEL and the magazine often was a forum for discussion of their rules and recent gaming problems.  From the pages of the magazine, I would try to piece together a framework for the game mechanisms through clues sprinkled throughout the mag.  Now, re-reading the escapades of the group's games will be that much easier with a copy of their rules.  I know, I probably overpaid for these rules but what price can be placed on nostalgia?

While I don't have a complete collection of the old EELs,  old issues still appear for sale occasionally.  When they do surface, I'm quick to pick up a missing issue.  The two most missed gaming publications for me are MWAN and EEL.

Oh, if anyone has old issues of EEL they are willing to part with, please leave a comment!


  1. What kind of rules are they? Complex early eighties fair or something more streamlined ?

  2. After a quick glance, I say they are typical of early 80's games. Complex rules with many processes and tables. Simultaneous movement with written orders for each battalion, squadron and gun.

    Not my game preference today but will make interesting reading and provide good context for my readings in the EEL magazine.

    1. Jonathan, are you able to scan these? I tried to buy a set on eBay but the seller wants to charge me three times the actual postage for them.



    2. Greg, please contact me via the Contact Form to discuss options.

  3. I have several issues of EEL in boxes somewhere in my basement. If your interested I can look for them. We can share ressources if I find them back.
    Personally i played EEL a long time ago but without the rulebook. I never understood the moral rules... if you can give me informations about those rules, i'll be glad. you can contact me directly on

  4. Hi there! I just stumbled upon this entry when trying to find out how to sell a copy of the exact book you mentioned! Would you know about how much it is worth, and where I could find an interested buyer?

    1. Hello!
      Well, I paid $25 for my copy and I found it on eBay. I suggest listing it on eBay.

    2. Would love those rules if they are still available. Always adored EEL.

    3. Hi Carlo, I too was a big fan of EEL. I still have many missing issues that I would like to plug into the collection.

    4. Hi Jonathon - have quite a few spare EEL's in the collection as doubles which I would love to maybe do a swap for a copy of the rules if you are interested. Let me know. Cheers

    5. Carlo, do you have a listing of the EELs you have as duplicates? I am missing many of the earlier issues.

    6. Hi Jonathon - will check over the wekend and reply mate. Too easy.

    7. Hi J,
      Have the following spare: 63,64,65,66,67,74,75,76,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,
      89,90,91,93,94,96,97,98,100,101,102,104,105. Any useful at all?


    8. Hi Carlo, I checked and I already have all of those issues.

    9. No worries - I have copies of many earlier ones but they are not original.

  5. Hello.
    I have issues 109 thru 118 (1989 - 1992) plus Spring 1996 Vol 3. No 1. Anyone interested or anyone able to me if they are worth anything? I looked at completed auctions on eBay and saw some which sold $2 - $5 and others $20 - $25.
    You can reply here or send an email to: Thank you in advance

    1. Hello! The EELs I saw for $22 recently seem to be an aberration. Haven't seen any go that high before. I am looking for issues below 60.

  6. Hi, an old timer here who was living in fishkill NY in the early'80's. I'm thinning out old figures, rules mags and the like and found this in one of the piles. I do have a copy of the original rules. I'm going to list it on ebay soon and will start listing at $30, applying inflation and rarity and such. If someone is intersted in $30 right away, if you let me know before there are any ebay offers, I could take it off ebay and sell separetly.
