
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Samurai Battles Project Update

Another Ashigaru spear unit passes off the painting table.  This unit carries the next clan's heraldry showing two white circles on a cornflower blue field.

I set about fielding clans in groups (brigades) of six units (1 x Samurai foot, 1 x Samurai horse, 2 x Ashigaru missile, 2 x Ashigaru shock).   An order of battle dug from Jan2010 Miniature Wargames for Shizgatake, however, listed most of the brigades as having nine units each.  Perhaps, I should increase the brigade strength to nine vs six units?  Should levy missile and shock troops be added into this mix?  

I am in the process of creating card decks to duplicate the Dragon and Fortune & Honor cards present in Samurai Battles.  While a bit tedious making each card, the result is quite satisfactory when affixed to a regular playing card.  These homemade cards are much more durable than the stock card decks sold with Samurai Battles.  The card information is printed out on Avery Sticker Project paper and then trimmed to size.  A sample of the cards both in uncut sheet and finished card is illustrated below.

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