
Friday, July 6, 2012

2012 First Half Painting Totals

With the first half of 2012 in the books, below is a summary of YTD 2012 painting totals. Nearly 900 figures have crossed the painting table through the first six months of 2012. A very brisk pace that will unlikely be maintained through the remainder of the year. Rather than focusing on painting, I'd like to switch attention towards playing a few more games.

Annual Painting Tally for 2012 through June

Era Scale Type Figure Cnt Equip Cnt
American Civil War 10mm Artillery 48 6
American Civil War 10mm Infantry 40
American War of Independence 28mm Infantry 24
Bonaparte in Italy and Switzerland 18mm Cavalry 6
Bonaparte in Italy and Switzerland 18mm Infantry 39
Italian War of Independence 15mm Artillery 12 3
Italian War of Independence 15mm Cavalry 24
Italian War of Independence 15mm Command 8
Italian War of Independence 15mm Infantry 158
Napoleonic Wars 15mm Infantry 78
Napoleonic Wars 28mm Command 3
Napoleonic Wars 28mm Infantry 16
Punic Wars 28mm Cavalry 15
Punic Wars 28mm Command 3
Punic Wars 28mm Infantry 32
Punic Wars 6mm Infantry 208
Seven Years War 18mm Infantry 127
Spanish-American War 28mm Infantry 6 2
WWII 28mm Infantry 32
Total 87911

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