
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Projects Update

My excess 15mm unpainted AWI figures are being purged. Hal Thinglum (past editor of my favorite, now-defunct, wargaming magazine MWAN) has agreed to purchase my surplus stock of Frontier and Jeff Valent figures. Since I consider this project finished (famous last words, right?), I decided to respond to Hal's call for Frontier figures. Not only is he picking up the Frontier figures but I also talked him into taking the Jeff Valent figures too.

This weekend's activities will include a FoG game at Terry's on Friday and the Spokane IPMS on Saturday. Terry is wanting to playtest a FoG scenario in preparation for Enfilade! at month's end. Haven't played FoG in a very long time so this will be a relearning experience for me. On Saturday, I plan to attend the model show for a quick viewing and hopefully meet up with some friends. I know Scott, Scott, and Don will be displaying models so I will get a chance to see their work. Perhaps, we can get together for lunch?

15mm Second War of Italian Independence Project:
Four battalions of Italian infantry and four commanders were completed in April. On the painting table are 18 Mirliton Bersaglieri and 12 Mirliton hussars. The Mirliton figures are really nicely sculpted with the hussars being exceptional. While I have been buying Mirliton from CGM in Spain, I finally found a USA stockist. The US stockist has only recently begun business. In fact, I am his first order. I was able to decrease the total price of the order by mitigating the high price of foreign shipping.

18mm SYW Project:

My first battalion of Freikorps SYW figures is finished. I painted Austrian figures as the first battalion, Morawitzky IR. The figures are quite nice and fit in well with Eureka's Austrian infantry. The Freikorps figures do look noticeably small along side Eureka's large Prussian musketeers. Also completed was the second battalion, Prussian Fusilier Regiment #46. The fusilier battalion consisted of Blue Moon AWI Hessian fusiliers.

28mm Napoleonic Project:
Up to now, only one of my French battalions has carried a flag (2nd Legere Bn 1). The other six battalions have all been sans drapeaux. Using the flags from as a template, I created flags for these six battalions. Printed on photo paper, these flags compare favorably to GMB Flags with respect to impact.

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