
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Monthly and Annual Painting Totals 2011

Scott, gave me one pack of BTD 28mm Germans in greatcoat several years' ago. BTD announced a 50% discount over the holidays on many of their figure lines so I took advantage of the sale. In anticipation of the delivery, I finally got these eight figures onto the painting table. Germans in greatcoat painted very quickly and I tried the "dip" method of using Minwax as a wash. I used a very light coating so the result is muted on the flesh.

28mm Ancients (2nd Punic War):
Two, 12 figure units of velites were completed in December. All figures are Renegade.

December was another good production month with 155 figures making it to completion. For the whole of 2011, I managed to paint about 1,500 figures across a wide assortment of scales.

Monthly Painting Tally for DEC 2011
Unit_Name Nation Era Scale Figure Cnt Equip Cnt
Line Regiment in Bicorn w/Mtd Cmd France Bonaparte in Italy and Switzerland 18mm 13
Line Regiment in Bicorn w/Mtd Cmd France Bonaparte in Italy and Switzerland 18mm 13
Scottish Regiment of Foote 3 Scotland English Civil War 30mm 27
Velites Rome Punic Wars 28mm 12
Velites Rome Punic Wars 28mm 12
Browne IR#36 Grenadier Bn Austria Seven Years War 18mm 8
Browne IR#36/1 w/mtd cmd Austria Seven Years War 18mm 23
Cuirassier Regiment #5/5 von Brandenburg Prussia Seven Years War 18mm 6
Dragoon Regiment #1/2 von Normann Prussia Seven Years War 18mm 6
Musketeer Regiment #25/1 w/mtd cmd Prussia Seven Years War 18mm 27
German Infantry in Greatcoats Germany WWII 28mm 8
Totals 155
Annual Painting Tally for 2011
Era Scale Type Figure Cnt Equip Cnt
American War of Independence 15mm Infantry 19
Bonaparte in Italy and Switzerland 18mm Infantry 78
English Civil War 30mm Infantry 54
Italian War of Independence 15mm Cavalry 12
Italian War of Independence 15mm Infantry 166
Napoleonic Wars 15mm Artillery 12 4
Napoleonic Wars 15mm Cavalry 12
Napoleonic Wars 15mm Command 10
Napoleonic Wars 15mm Infantry 82
Napoleonic Wars 28mm Cavalry 8
Napoleonic Wars 28mm Command 6
Napoleonic Wars 28mm Infantry 80
Punic Wars 28mm Cavalry 10
Punic Wars 28mm Infantry 96
Punic Wars 6mm Cavalry 12
Punic Wars 6mm Command 30
Punic Wars 6mm Infantry 212
Seven Years War 18mm Cavalry 108
Seven Years War 18mm Command 12
Seven Years War 18mm Infantry 455
WWII 15mm AFV 11
WWII 15mm Infantry 40
WWII 28mm Infantry 8
1522 15

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