
Monday, May 9, 2011

Projects Update

With Spring coursework completed and no travel plans until later in the month, hobby life is beginning to return to more tranquil times.

18mm 1799 Italian Project:
On the painting table are 26 AB Austrians in casquet. Very finely sculpted figures with nicely detailed faces. Actually, these Austrians have some of the best 18mm faces I've seen! These 26 figures (24 foot and 2 mounted officers) will become two battalions of IR Frelich under Kaim's command at the beginning of the campaign in Northern Italy.

18mm SYW Project:
Twelve Austrian hussars from regiment #34 are complete. These Eureka figures will be mustered as the Dessewfy Hussars with light blue dolman and pelisse. Both the Austrian and Prussian hussars, to my eye, lean towards the two dimensional sculpt and some of the poses are definitely long and lean. The galloping horses don't fit on the 30mm depth of the heavies and must be based on 40mm squares. I rationalize the extra frontage and depth for the light horse as representing the more open formation that their real-life counterparts would have maintained on the field. Additionally, the light horse are based in half-squadron strength rather than the full squadron strength of their heavier brethren.

15mm American War of Independence Project:
Rebasing artillery and cavalry begins. I rebased all of the infantry onto Litko bases but never made it to progressing to the artillery and cavalry. With so few of these bases in the collection, this mini-project should be completed rather quickly. My initial thought is to base two horse on a 40x30mm base and one gun and three crew onto a 40mm square base.

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