
Sunday, April 17, 2011

CC: Napoleonics and Projects Update

Command Colors Ancients/Napoleonics:
Joined up with the group as Austin packs up the remainder of his Otis Orchards belongings and places most in storage. By the time I arrived, most work was completed (excellent timing on my part) and CCN was on the table. The guys had played Rolica twice before my arrival so I challenged Scott M. to a game. Scott took the French and I, the British. The game was quite lengthy in comparison to the CCA games we've played with much punching-counter punching as both combatants jockeyed for position. The French had good success on their left flank while the British commanded the center. Stopping the French cavalry on the British right, the British made coordinated assaults in the center and left to eventually win the game 5-4.

We had a very good evening of CCN at Kevin's on the 8th. In the first game, Kevin as Napoleon was down 6 flags to none against Scott only to come back and claim victory with a miraculous turn of events. Probably, still smarting from his narrow defeat, Scott (as Napoleon) thrashed me eight banners to three. My game wasn't even close. The third game of the night saw Kevin face off against Dylan. Game three was adjourned before a decision could be reached but at the stopping point, the game was evenly contested.

15mm Napoleonic Project: Albuera
The 5th Cacadores regiment is finished and when I began affixing labels to the bases, I realized that I am lacking two Spanish foot regiments. Rats. I have 10 regiments painted but need 12. I left out de Espana's command. Twenty-four Spanish figures have been primed today and painting will begin once I clear the painting table of the Austrian cuirassiers. The tabletop is covered by a facsimile of the battlefield spread out over an area 6' x 7'.
15mm Second War of Italian Independence Project:
The two battalions of Piedmontese infantry are finished. The 19th Century Miniatures order arrived with a box full of goodies. A cursory exam of the French Chasseurs d'Afrique shows that these will work for the Piedmontese light horse. Two more battalions of the 6th Line are in the painting queue.

18mm 1799 Italian Project:
Finishing touches on two battalions of Austrian infantry regiment, Mittrowski are being applied this weekend. These two battalions bring the total number of battalions completed for this project to 26 allocated as 10 Russian, 10 French, and 6 Austrian.

18mm SYW Project:
Following the 1859 Piedmontese on the painting table are two squadrons of Austrian cuirassiers. These two squadrons will be fielded as Cuirassier Regiment #3 and will bring the existing regiment up to its full complement of six squadrons.

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