
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Projects Update

28mm FIW Project:
Both companies of the 47th Regiment of foot and the Voluntaire Estrangers are finished. My inventory of company sized FIW figures is now exhausted.

15mm AWI Project:
I've had a small pile of ammo wagons lingering in the primed box for a very long time. In preparation for my recent painting night with Austin, I chose to pick these six ammo wagons with teams. These six wagons and teams are from the old and now defunct Frontier line. As I've mentioned before, Frontier's AWI line was really an outstanding line and the detail was ahead of its time. In fact many of the figures compare favorably with today's 15mm AWI lines. While I don't have any plans for the wagon train in any upcoming game, it is a relief to have these finally finished.

15mm Napoleonic Project:
The 2x 12 figure Russian grenadier units, the 2x 12 British line regiments, and the 2x12 Austrian units are complete although I finished the Austrians too late to make into the JAN painting totals.

January production was good and ahead of my annual goal. As an added bonus, I added three companies to the FIW project and mounted command to the SYW project. Outputs to both collections bring my figure inventory virtually down to zero.

On the painting table now are 48 Piedmontese for my 1859 project.

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