
Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year and Project Recap

Happy New Year!
Painting totals for December were above average including 72 SYW horse and 7 guns for a total output of 169 figures and 7 guns.

For 2009, a wide assortment of periods crossed the painting table and I managed to paint 1,440 figures, 31 guns, and 4 ships. My 2009 goal was to paint 1,200 figures so I exceeded my expectations by about 20%. For 2010, I'd like to game more and paint less so perhaps, 900 figures is a reasonable painting goal.

Even though my 15mm AWI collection was deemed finished in an earlier year, I continue to add regiments in short bursts. My AWI inventory still contains enough Jeff Valent figures to field several more regiments for both combatants.

As part of our group project, I began and completed my portion of the AWI Saratoga Project. In fact, I painted more German figures than actually needed for the Saratoga battle.

Napoleonics projects saw figures completed in three scales: 15mm, 18mm, and 28mm. I considered lumping the 15mm and 18mm figures into one scale but since I'm using ABs exclusively for the 1799 Project, they remain as a separate scale for now. Work will continue on all three projects in 2010.

The SYW project has reached critical mass (and my inventory is nearly depleted). Once I paint wing and army command, I'll be ready to game. Currently, I can field 16 battalions of foot, 20+ squadrons of horse, and 9 guns for each of the protagonists (Austria and Prussia). All figures are Eureka. Focus for 2010 will be to develop and refine a ruleset for this period at a 25:1 scale. First test will include modifying the Combat Effectiveness mechanics from Ironsides.

The ECW project is another period that I deemed complete last year but with a terrific sale on Renegade figures, I purchased several foot regiments worth of the nice Renegade figures. This purschase also motivated me to field three foot regiments and one horse regiment to the collection. However, only one of the regiments added in 2009 was Renegade. The others were all Redoubt including one Regiment of French mercenary foot. Only one horse regiment remains unpainted in the Redoubt inventory.

Although I painted a few hundred Freikorps test figures for the Second Italian War of Independence in 2008, my recent trip to Italy has renewed my interest in this fascinating period. I recently ordered a few test bags of the Old Glory figures and they are really quite excellent sculpts. On order are a number of bags from the Old Glory 15mm range. Having recently walked the battlefields, my goal is to be able to refight the battle at San Martino between the Italians and Austrians.

Annual Painting Tally for 2009


Era Scale Type Figures

Terrain 28

American Civil War 10mm Command 2

American Civil War 10mm Infantry 69

American War of Independence 15mm Command 4

American War of Independence 15mm Infantry 63

American War of Independence 28mm Artillery 8 2

American War of Independence 28mm Command 2

American War of Independence 28mm Infantry 110

Anglo-Dutch War 1/1200 Ship 1

English Civil War 30mm Cavalry 12

English Civil War 30mm Command 1

English Civil War 30mm Infantry 81

Medieval 15mm Cavalry 6

Medieval 15mm Command 3

Medieval 15mm Infantry 8

Napoleonic Wars 15mm Artillery 40 15

Napoleonic Wars 15mm Cavalry 32

Napoleonic Wars 15mm Command 4

Napoleonic Wars 15mm Infantry 227

Napoleonic Wars 18mm Infantry 98

Napoleonic Wars 28mm Infantry 116

Seven Years War 18mm Artillery 56 14

Seven Years War 18mm Cavalry 144

Seven Years War 18mm Infantry 282

Spanish-American War 1/1000 Ship 3

WWII 15mm Infantry 44

Yearly Total: 1,440 35

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