
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Monthly Painting Totals MAR 2012

10mm ACW Project:
Musket Miniatures' pack of fences arrived within two weeks. Quick turn-around from Musket Miniatures and the product looks very servicable. Once assembled and painted, these fences will look good on the gaming table.

Painting Totals for March:
Not much throughput in March. I either lost the painting mojo or the ACW rebasing activity consumed much of my hobby time. Perhaps the lack of production was due to a combination of both. April production should pick up as focus returns to painting.

Monthly Painting Tally for MAR 2012
Unit Name Nation Era Scale Figure Cnt Equip Cnt
Hastati Rome Punic Wars 6mm 16
Hastati Rome Punic Wars 6mm 16
Princepes Rome Punic Wars 6mm 24
Princepes Rome Punic Wars 6mm 24
Triarii Rome Punic Wars 6mm 32
Totals 112