
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Projects Update and CCA

Command Colors Ancients:
Before our scheduled CCN game on April 2nd, Scott came over Saturday with two of his CCA modules in tow. We played ten games in under seven hours including a long time-out for lunch. Most games lasted no more than 30 minutes. Scott's organizational skills made short work of set up and take down. We refought Akragas four times (S3:J1), Cannae four times (S2:J2), and Ilipa twice (S0:J2). So, we each won five games from both sides of the board. Both Ilipa games were very closely contested with the last Ilipa game witnessing a come-from-behind victory to take three banners on the last turn while Scott only needed one more banner to reach 7. As the day progressed, some rules that had been interpreted incorrectly were rectified and we both saw tactics beginning to evolve in our play.

15mm Napoleonic Project:
The two Portuguese batteries and two Spanish batteries are finished excluding flocking. More unfinished business for Albuera. Spanish higher command is needed. I'll likely need to field four infantry divisional commanders, two cavalry brigade commanders, and two Army command stands. Without having specific Spanish command figures, a search through my inventory of Spanish/British cavalry and British generals must be done to find suitable figures. Perhaps, I could use surplus French generals/ADCs as well?

18mm SYW Project:
Painting the two battalions of Prussian IR#19 wrapped up one week ago on Sunday and work began on the grenadier components for IR#8 and IR#19. These 16 figures exhaust my inventory of Eureka Prussian infantry. Prussian inventory remaining include artillery and a large assortment of cavalry. The Prussian cavalry will be primarily used in fielding a fifth squadron to each of the existing Prussian horse.

 15mm Second War of Italian Independence Project:
The 1859 project was initially geared towards building the OB for San Martino between the Italians and Austrians. My plan remains intact but additional figures must be ordered to muster more than a small scale action. Currently, I have only about 10 battalions painted per combatant. Still too few to conduct the entire battle but perhaps enough to refight the attacks on Monata. The Austrian 1st Hussars are complete and represents the first of the Old Glory cavalry to be completed. The sculpting on the hussars is weak by Old Glory standards. Detail is lacking and molding is weak with most of the troopers brandishing very wispy swords. At some point, these swords will likely require replacement. I hope the French cavalry are better sculpted.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Projects Update

Austin dropped a bombshell on the group this weekend. The surprising news is that A. is packing up and heading south to Phoenix. While complaining about the Spokane winter was a frequent pastime, I didn't expect the move so suddenly. I've grown to enjoy our semi-regular painting nights and those gatherings will be missed. Good luck Austin.

18mm SYW Project:
Four squadrons of Prussian Cuirassier Regiment #6 are finished. On the table are 24 of the Blue Moon FIW French figures that I will be painting as one battalion of the Swiss Diesbach Regiment. Although typically fielded with the French, I don't see why the Austrians couldn't commandeer a Swiss regiment or two. Besides, it will add a spot of color to the white menace. These Blue Moon French are really outstanding figures and I'm anxious to see them finished.

15mm Napoleonic Project:
Two regiments of Spanish foot are finished. Both units feature figures from Old Glory's Spanish Voluntarios bags. Since no evidence suggests that the Spanish fielded artillery during the Battle of La Albuera, only two Portuguese artillery batteries remain to complete on the Allied side. Well, I must double check the Portuguese foot, I may need one more regiment.

30mm ECW Project:
Colors for four horse regiments have been applied. Those regiments receiving flags are Haselrigg, Waller, Maurice, and Prince of Wales. The figures from the last game are still in place on the tabletop. Perhaps, I'll reset and give the scenario a solitaire run-through before turning my attention towards Albuera.

6mm Ancients (2nd Punic War):
The Litko bases have arrived and the transition from current basing to 24mm x 45mm will begin shortly. Jake is working on finishing up the remainder of the cavalry from our project swap. Once completed, I'll have enough figures for a small game.

February 2011 Painting Totals:
Painting output was down in February due to a number of factors but I managed to clear the ready-to-paint box of the 1st Corps German cavalry that had been in the queue for far too long. Now that all of my 25mm ancients are finished, I need to figure-out what to do with them. The foot are mounted on 30mm x 60mm and the horse are mounted on two-inch squares. Perhaps, March output will show improvement.